Oficjalny portal Urzędu Gminy Kruklanki

Biking routes

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Sights of Kruklanki commune can be explored on foot or by bike following the marked routes. Hilly terrain, with snow cover lasting for a couple of months, is perfect for cross country skiing and sleigh rides.

All biking routes are marked with coloured signage:
  • Black route - around Sołtmany Lake and Żywe Lake - length 40 km.
  • Blue route - around Gołdopiwo Lake - length 18 km.
  • Orange route - around Kruklin Lake - length 26 km.
  • Yellow route - through Piłackie Hills - length 48 km.
  • Green route - across Borecka Forest - length 36 km.
  • Red route - leading to forest’s lakes - length 51 km.
  • Brown route - leading to Dargin Lake - length 32 km.
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Masurian Legends ["Szlakiem Mazurskich Legend"] Biking Route

Legends recounted in the book entitled " Mazurskie opowieści” [Masurian Stories] by the late Jadwiga Tressenberg from Kut were direct inspiration for the route marking. In the preface to her book the author wrote: "It started so banal. I was on the way to the nearest store about seventeen kilometers from my house when a tiny old lady living near the forest stopped me and asked me to buy her a little salt. The trip was to take a few hours, so she warned me as the new inhabitant of the village: “You’d better come back early enough because as soon as it gests dark, a ghost appears near the cemetery, where an old hollow tree grows, and makes people lose their way.

It was the end of the 1940s and people were much more to be afraid of than creatures living in hollow trees in the Masurian wilderness. But if demons were plentiful here I decided it was a must to get to know them, as they seemed the most reliable guide to the land of Węgorzewo. Gustaw Rydzewski - Seated on a sunny bench near the fence he calmed down, groaned and family memories came back of Czarna Jachta, Żywe, landrat Puszek that is the Węgoborze starost who built the palace in the nearby Siewki and many more. Ernest Kulla, also a fisherman, clearly identified the footsteps of the Krzywa Kuta Monster who longed for omniscience and immortality, and because he was a young fisherman, he questioned the existence of the Monster.

His skepticism quickly vanished as I told him that I read about a medicine student who illegally performed autopsy. And how can Mazurian legends be untrue? Echo of the steps of people who died of plague a long time ago was reported by Maks Łagodny so well that many of the new inhabitants of the village actually heard them, and even saw the light emitted by invisible creatures. They also tried to find the traces of Anna Zielarka’s hut, namely the Goliath hut. There were many other authors of unique stories, legends and fairy tales. I am not able to recall all of the names and match them with stories."

Biking route based on the book is the result of many people’s work and the persistence and consistency of Andrzej Sulej, the President of the Borecka Forest Association for Regional Development in Kruklanki. 102 km long route, marked with square plates with the word LEGENDS on them, and the green color showing direction. Landing sites along the route are provided with brief information about the legend associated with the place, a map with the landing site indicated and magnificent wooden sculptures which were created during four open-air sculpture workshops in Kruklanki over Gołdopiwo Lake.

Landing points are named after the titles of legends featured in the book entitled "Mazurskie opowieści":
  1. Jak żywe...
  2. Francuski strach z Gawlickiego Lasu
  3. Zemsta mieszkanki znad Żywego
  4. Czarna Jachta
  5. Dąb Napoleona
  6. Topnik z jeziora Wolisko
  7. Diabelski kamień z puszczy
  8. Anioł i Diabeł z Piłackich Wzgórz
  9. Zło z Gębałki
  10. Goliat ze Stręgielka
  11. Złoty łańcuch
  12. O kapeluszniku, motkach i myszkach
  13. Tajemnice Złotej Góry
  14. Tajemnicze kroki
  15. Saga o Mateuszu ijego synu, Celestynie
  16. Historia zatopionego dzwonu
  17. Królowa Kut
  18. Książę z Kut
  19. Anna Zielarka
  20. Wyspa pożeracza serc
  21. Ślad diabelskiej łapy
  22. Jankowa Droga
  23. Wilhelmina i jej diabelskie ziele
  24. Zimowa noc Naderki
  25. Czarny pies z Regułówki
  26. Czarny baran z Możdżan
  27. Kokosze i pałac
The collection of legends and route map can be bought at local bookshops and tourist information centres.

Liczba odwiedzin: 1031


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